Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Year’s Peace

The New Year came crashing in like a wave for me this year. I wasn't prepared, I felt stressed, and I had one thing after the next planned in my holiday break. I was tripping and falling, scrabbling to be organized. It was a wake-up call. I realized that life was going to start passing me by if I didn't get an organized handle on my life and commitments. I need clarity, I need….peace. Peace, in my opinion, is underrated in our society. Technology connects people to work at all hours as well as any social media. You have to make plans to disconnect from society. I am going to make plans to find 30 minutes to an hour of each day to reflect, realize my goals for the day and find a time in my day to have quiet and be able to reach back to the moment when I start feeling busy and stressed. Good luck on your New Year's resolution and wherever the year will take you!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Couch Conclusion

The couch search has come to an end! My boyfriend and I decided to check out the JC Penney Outlet store one afternoon (don't judge, if I could afford Room & Board the search would be easy & over - I like a challenge!). The store was south of the airport off the Forest Park exit. The warehouse was large and had a huge selection of sofas, sectionals, headboards, bedroom furniture and dining room furniture. Now, to be honest, I wouldn't suggest going there to find the sleekest designs. It is mostly a destination driven by cost. You also have to watch out for dirty cushions. We had to go on a search to find the cleanest pillows. Overall I am happy with the buy and experienced a fabulous Saturday night bonding with couch over Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Sex & the City and wine.

Reasons this couch is a great buy:

  1. Canvas material which is durable
  2. Light color will go with any color scheme
  3. Great size to fit two people comfortably


Price breakdown - Same style couch at:

IKEA, Ektorp $399

You can't turn down a price like that. Now I have more money to buy needed pieces for the living room!